Geet Finkus

Meet Geet

Geet Finkus is a world renowned hero, musician, rapper, jazz artist, rockstar, actor, activist, inventor, theorist, and delegate of the people. Geet is a friend to all.

Driven by an uncrushable spirit to better the world, Geet is working to bring about the shared utopia we all dream of. A world in which an irriducable minimum ensures nobody is left behind to suffer in poverty, and where all can live a meaningful and dignified life. A society built on the principles of usufruct, where our legacy of ingenuity & invention are accessible to all, and the sum of human knowledge & creativity is at the tips of all our fingers. And the realization of complementarity, where our unique and individual differences complement eachother, each filling niches in the fabric of the world, results in a more complete and sound whole.

By taking a multi-pronged approach focused on addressing the fundamental issues leading to social-ecological catastrophy, Geet aims to not just solve the problems of today, but bring to fruition the dreams of tomorrow.

Lending libraries for all types of goods allows even more individuals and communities to have access to the resoudces they need to thrive, and all the while in a way that uses less raw materials and produces less waste. Layered direct democracy of confederated communities, with directly recallable delegates, allows each person and each community to have maximum participation in the happenings around them, and to have a real voice in the matters of large-scale projects that affect their regions. Increased adoption of ecologically sound transportation can offer people more freedom of movement, for less cost to both individuals and our planet. Rewilding programs bring back natural habitats from the brink of collapse and rebuild ecosystems, bringing the natural bounty of beauty and life to our everyday experience, while providing valueable homes to the non-human lifeforms we depend on for our continued survival. By finding new ways to do more with less, we can decrease our use of resources and energy, while increasing the benefit we get from them.

An advocate and activist towards the ideals of the 4/4/4 movement: 4 months for work, 4 months for vacation, 4 months for democracy.


work hard, dream big.
be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.
you don't wait for the perfect moment. take the moment, and make it perfect.

Can't geet enough?

Media Appearances
